Presbyopia expert Detlev Breyer, MD, has undergone PresbyMAX surgery

As a frequent smartphone user, it was important for him to be able to read very small text.

German eye surgeon and scientist Detlev Breyer, MD, successfully undergoes presbyopia treatment with SCHWIND AMARIS 1050RS.

Dr, Breyer's prebyopia has been corrected with a PresbyMAX laser eye treatment

Dr. Breyer during eye laser treatment under the SCHWIND AMARIS 1050RS

Detlev Breyer, MD, head of eye surgery at Breyer, Kaymak and Klabe, Düsseldorf, successfully underwent presbyopia treatment with the SCHWIND AMARIS 1050RS excimer laser in June 2020. The renowned eye surgeon has already performed more than 45,000 refractive treatments and engages himself actively in presbyopia research. The eye surgeon‘s comprehensive expertise and a high level of satisfaction with laser surgery by his patients, encouraged him to discard his own reading glasses. Dr. Breyer decided to partake in a small adventure during the Covid-19 quarantine: He admitted himself to the clinic as a patient, advised himself and finally had his presbyopia treated with the SCHWIND AMARIS 1050RS.

„I decided to generally employ the AMARIS 1050RS in my clinic due to the excellent overall performance of the laser and the particularly reliable 7D eye tracking. The temporarily calmer working phase during the Covid-19 pandemic and my confidence in the quality of the newly acquired AMARIS laser including PresbyMAX treatment software were the decisive factors for me to realise my own laser treatment,”said Dr. Breyer. The presbyopia expert had adapted his “Düsseldorfer Scheme”, originally developed for lens surgery, also for laser surgery. He used this procedure, also called PresbyEDOF, in conjunction with the PresbyMAX software and SmartSurfACE from SCHWIND for his own treatment.

As a frequent smartphone user, it was particularly important for him to be able to read very small text. Therefore, the target refraction entered in the PresbyMAX software was -1.5 diopters with additional +1.25 diopters of spherical aberrations as a near addition. Immediately before the treatment, he was calm and relaxed, reports Dr. Breyer. He benefited from his many years of experience as a surgeon and the knowledge that nothing had ever gone wrong with his patients. He sees the high level of patient satisfaction with the treatment results as the best proof of the effectiveness of PresbyMAX. This also applies to his own experience as a laser patient: “I am more than satisfied with the result. An addition is no longer necessary for reading”, sums up Dr. Breyer. The only issue that remains unanswered for him is the question that many other patients often asks themselves: "Why did I agonise with reading glasses for so long and did not decide on the treatment much earlier?"

Dr. Breyer performs laser vision correction with the SCHWIND AMARIS 1050RS

Dr. Breyer performs a laser vision correction with the SCHWIND AMARIS 1050RS

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