SCHWIND Press Area

Here you can find an overview of our press releases. Naturally we’ll also be glad to answer your individual questions. Reach out to us!

Your contact for press questions is:

SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions GmbH
Head of Marketing
+49 6027 508 744
Lohith Shetty takes responsibility for Global Marketing
01.04.2024 PDF-Download
Lars Ederleh takes responsibility for global Sales and Marketing
01.07.2023 PDF-Download
Rolf Schwind, up until now the CEO of SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions GmbH, moves to the Advisory Board of SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions and hands over his position as CEO to Domenic von Planta.
05.10.2022 PDF-Download
User family meets for the 30th laser anniversary at SCHWIND
05.08.2022 PDF-Download
SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions: pacesetter in refractive corneal surgery
29.04.2022 PDF-Download