Statements about the SCHWIND ATOS femtosecond laser technology

Refractive surgeons report on their experience with the state-of-the-art femtosecond laser technology SCHWIND ATOS®.

These testimonials offer insights into the experiences and perspectives of medical professionals using SCHWIND eye laser technologies.

Allon Barsam, MD

ATOS provides a perfectly centered LASIK flap and a perfectly centered lenticule. This has huge advantages and takes so much stress out of surgery.  The other advantage is, that it's very low pressure – and the low energy means minimal inflammation.
We've been blown away by the outcomes. The shape of lenticule tapers out with SmartSight into a genuine transition zone as there is no edge cut. We don't have to use a nomogram adjustment and patient's visual recovery seems to be quicker. After a few days everyone has been 6/6, 20/20 or better."

Allon Barsam, MD

Lenticule extraction, performed by femtosecond lasers, is a procedure already proven to work. These days it's now just a matter of which platform to use that stands out from the rest. With SCHWIND's ATOS®, you have a femtosecond laser optimally used, not only for LASIK, but most especially with SmartSight laser-assisted lenticular extraction.


Refining Surgical Techniques with SCHWIND ATOS® by Dr. Allon Barsam
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Maja Bohac, MD

"We made a lot of lenticules with ATOS and results are simply great. SCHWIND managed to learn and avoid all the small issues with lenticule extraction. ATOS and SmartSight will be the platform and procedure of the future.

ATOS allows for such granular energy fine tuning that now each of our surgeons has their favourite settings.This level of adjustment is just not seen in any other femto laser platform.
ATOS can be adapted  to novice as well as to very experienced surgeons. It is user-friendly, even in a high volume clinic like ours."

Maja Bohac, MD, talks about her experience with the SCHWIND ATOS femtosecond laser
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Maja Bohac, MD


Happy with SCHWIND ATOS performance - Dr. Guido Caramello (Italy)
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Guido Caramello, MD

Dr. Guido Caramello has performed first SmartSight surgeries with SCHWIND ATOS femtosecond laser.

"It's a cutting edge technology. It is an extremely precise procedure. It's safe and comfortable for the patient and for the surgeon. I am very happy with this new laser."

Shiao Chen, MD

SCHWIND transferred it‘s very long and successful eye tracking experience with excimer lasers to their lenticule
extraction procedure
. Centration is a very crucial factor in refractive surgery. With ATOS eye tracking, doctors feel
more confident during the docking and the ablation process. ATOS avoids kappa angle errors and compensates
cyclotorsional movements. Our latest 3-month outcomes of 130 eyes show very quick visual recovery and
accurate refraction. ATOS is extremely customised,  easy to handle, and delivering great outcomes.


Victor Derhartunian, MD

Victor Derhartunian, MD, highlights the importance of educating patients and providing excellent results to drive word-of-mouth referrals.

Victor Derhartunian, MD, Austria talks about Patient education and Marketing for SmartSight
Please accept marketing-cookies to watch this video (YouTube).

Victor Derhartunian, MD

Victor Derhartunian, MD, talks about his experience, the great potential and challenges of the SCHWIND ATOS. 

Dr. Victor Derhartunian , Austria speaks about his experience with SCHWIND ATOS at the DOC 2023.
Please accept marketing-cookies to watch this video (YouTube).

Victor Derhartunian, MD

"I have performed more than 400 SmartSight procedures so far. It has become my LVC procedure of choice for treating myopic patients. With ATOS, we realise outcomes with the same high visual quality as  with AMARIS excimer laser technology.
With the connection of SCHWIND diagnostic devices to ATOS, centration is just a formality. It perfectly guides the surgeon to achieve the best possible optical result for each patient. Also, cyclotorsion compensation ensures the easy and high-precision treatment of astigmatism, that we are used to from excimer lasers. Crucial benefits for the patients are less side effects like increased light sensitivity and dry eye symptom."

"CenTrax® offers fully automated cyclotorsion compensation and active compensation of the residual docking error. The system is digitally connected to SCHWIND diagnostic devices and imports diagnostic images for reference without any human intervention. This feature indeed makes SCHWIND ATOS, a femtosecond laser with a difference."

Ivan Gabric, MD

"The  short learning curve  has surprised us. After a few weeks we transferred to ATOS as primary femtosecond platform. With innovative eye tracking and positioning technology it‘s a game changer for lenticules and a great addition for flaps.

The dose of energy delivered to the eye is extremely low making post op day 1 such a seamless and happy experience for patients and surgeons. The morning after flap, edges are so miniscule. And the lenticule results are promising."

Ivan Gabric, MD

Ivan Gabric, MD, gives a statement about the SCHWIND ATOS in Svjetlost Eye Clinic, Croatia
Please accept marketing-cookies to watch this video (YouTube).

Ivan Gabric, MD

'SCHWIND ATOS: Workflow and Docking' by Dr. Ivan Gabric, Croatia
Please accept marketing-cookies to watch this video (YouTube).

Dr. Pooja Khamar

The Power of Low-Dose SmartSight Lenticule Extraction
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What makes SmartSight lenticule extraction with the SCHWIND ATOS® so special? Dr. Pooja Khamar (India) dives into the game-changing “low-dose” technology and explains how the ATOS femtosecond laser is elevating precision and patient outcomes. From fast corneal healing to fully customizable treatments, find out why low-dose energy is the future of laser vision correction.

Chang Mok Lee, MD

"The SCHWIND ATOS patient bed moved very smoothly and precisely. Matching the two crosses with the docking system is fun, as if you were a fighter pilot performing air-to-air refueling. Centration with the eye tracking system using the SIRIUS diagnostic system provides higher accuracy than expected. The cyclotorsion compensation helps to overcome negative prejudices about astigmatism correction associated with previous lenticule extraction procedures.

Eye fixation using sufficient suction power provides an increased sense of security to both patients and doctors. The laser parameters can be adjusted precisely, which enables smooth dissection and easy extraction of lenticules. This advantage lessens the psychological burden and learning curve of a novice surgeon starting with lenticule extraction. Moreover, with compact and attractive design, SCHWIND ATOS enriches the ambiance of the operating room. Patient satisfaction after surgery is very high. So far, no patient complained about discomfort such as pain after surgery, and most patients returned to daily routines the day after surgery. We are convinced that SCHWIND ATOS is the best choice for surgeons starting lenticule extraction."


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Emilio Pedrotti, MD

"I very much enjoy working with the SCHWIND ATOS".
Ritasalus Eye Clinic in Verona, Italy, has been treating patients with SCHWIND ATOS and AMARIS 1050RS for several months. Armando Meneguzzo, CEO explains, why they decided for SCHWIND. Chief surgeon Prof. Dr. Emilio Pedrotti talks about the benefits of lenticule extraction using the ATOS femtosecond laser

Kishore Pradhan, MD

"SCHWIND ATOS offers great features. Accurate centring of the patient eye minimises the risk of decentration. Thus, for example induction of coma or higher order aberration cannot occur.

The improved lenticule geometry is tissue-saving compared to other lenticule extraction procedures, with less epithelial regrowth and regression. ATOS provides high accuracy, repeati-bility and safety. During the treatment suction is stable and good dissection quality of the lenticule results in an easy access and smooth extraction."

Dong Ju Yeom, MD

"Amongst the various advantages of ATOS compared to other femtosecond lasers, astigmatism correction is the most remarkable. Especially in patients with less than 5D astigmatism, the refractive error is fully corrected without residual refraction. In patients with more than 5D astigmatism, I decrease the cylindrical refraction with radial keratotomy first, then I use the ATOS to correct the remaining astigmatism. With this combination of methods, I can correct up to 7D of cylinder perfectly. Since realizing through my own experience that clear vision for patients depends on whether or not their surgery is performed with ATOS, I have to smile at my decision to choose ATOS over other femtosecond laser systems."

Hyo Sung Yoon, MD

"Schwind ATOS has provided me with very good clinical outcomes within a short time. Low energy allows me to create lenticules protecting corneal tissue safely. Even when performing many surgeries within a short period, I have not experienced any major complications. Patients were satisfied with the outcome from the first day and enjoyed a quick visual recovery within one week after surgery. Schwind ATOS enables surgeons to use their own setting at their convenience which results in very short learning curve and more surgeries, even during the initial stage. ATOS also provides tissue-saving geometry and reliable separation of lenticules. Especially with its semi-automated centration, the eye-tracking system prevents coma or higher order aberrations and enables surgeons to achieve easy and accurate astigmatism correction."

First refractive surgeon treated with SCHWIND SmartSight: Lucija Žerjav, MD, Eye Clinic Svjetlost
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Lucija Žerjav, MD

Dr. med. Lucija Žerjav is the first refractive surgeon who underwent eye laser treatment with SCHWIND SmartSight technology. She treated numerous patients with SmartSight before she decided to have her myopic eyes corrected with the SCHWIND procedure. "After this experience, I'm able to guide my patients better through the whole procedure", she says.  

Treatment outcomes achieved so far are very good: Many patients, including herself, had 20/20 or even better vision already one day after surgery. SmartSight has become her treatment of choice for myopia.

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Ophthalmic surgeons the world over use our technologies. Here, some of them talk about their experiences with the SCHWIND AMARIS product family. 

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