Company 05.2020

Ophthalmologists discuss COVID-19 and Ophthalmology [Recording]

The webinar took place on 27 May 2020. Watch the recording now!

Meet the speakers of "COVID-19 and Ophthalmology". The webinar was hosted by SCHWIND, presented by Prof. John Marshall. Watch the recording now!

Meet the speakers of "COVID-19 and Ophthalmology" . The live webinar is hosted by SCHWIND and presented to you by one of the pioneers of laser eye surgery Prof. John Marshall.

Click here to watch the recording on YouTube

The webinar has been recorded on 27 May 2020. The recording is also available for download in the SCHWIND portal. 
🕒 7 – 8:30 am (CEST)

Meet the SCHWIND Team together with John Marshall, MD (United Kingdom) and more experts to talk on following hot topics: What is the shutdown policy in your country? When will treatments be allowed again? What will change in your practice after the shutdown? Which opportunities for LVC do you see after pandemic? Which actions do you recommend to speed up market recovery?

The webinar has been held in English!

With best regards and kind support from
Thomas Magnago, Head of Customer Support and Samuel Arba-Mosquera Optical & Visual Researcher

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