At the Aurelios Eye Center we use the following standard medications on our patients for SmartSurfACE (combination of TransPRK + Smart-Pulse Technology) and LASIK treatments:
Preoperative Medication SmartSurfACE
The patient receives one drop Diclofenac in the eye to be treated 20 minutes before the laser treatment, then immediately afterwards one tablet of Ibuprofen (800 mg). One drop of Oxybuprocain is administered two minutes before the patient enters the operating room.
A further drop follows respectively before and after application of the speculum. That means a total of three drops of Oxybuprocain are always administered preoperatively. Irrigation of the corneal surface follows with a neutral, cooled sodium solution (BSS, about 10° Celsius). Afterwards, the laser ablation should be started without delay, as the cornea nearly warms up to its original temperature within 30 seconds.
Postoperative Medication SmartSurfACE
After the laser ablation and the subsequent pachymetry measurement with the integrated OCP system we administer one drop Ofloxacin, one drop Dexamethason, one drop Phenylephrin and apply a bandage lens for extended wear (Air Optix Night & Day, with a base curve of 8,6 mm and zero dioptric power), which is removed on the fourth day following the treatment.
As further therapy the patient receives eye drops with combination of the active ingredients Dexamethason, Neomycin and Polymyxin B for 14 days. The patient trickles this into the eye(s) four times daily. A further therapy takes place for 21 days with application of eye drops (three times daily) with the active ingredient Fluorometholon.
Preoperative Medication LASIK
Two minutes before the patient enters the operating room, they receive one drop of Oxybuprocain. A further drop follows respectively before and after application of the speculum. That means a total of three drops of Oxybuprocain are always administered preoperatively. Irrigation of the corneal surface follows with a neutral sodium solution (BSS).
Postoperative Medication LASIK
Before removal of the speculum, one drop each of Ofloxacin, Dexamethason and Dexpanthenol are administered. As final therapy the patient takes eye drops for five days with a combination of the active ingredients Dexamethason, Neomycin and Polymyxin B.