SmartSurfACE – Gentler to the eye

Stressless, touchless laser correction



The innovative SmartSurfACE eye lasering procedure is impressive and touch-free. It combines the advantages of SCHWIND’s proven TransPRK surface ablation method and revolutionary SmartPulse technology. The result is clear vision without compromise.
Unlike with previous methods, the eye is not touched with any instrument. Instead, the SCHWIND AMARIS laser corrects vision through the top layers of the cornea, without suction, flap, or incision, and without the use of alcohol. SmartSurfACE is non-invasive, safe, gentle, and stress-free for the patient.

SmartPulse technology gives the cornea a very smooth surface. This results in optimum vision quality in the early post-operative phase and significantly faster healing.


SCHWIND AMARIS Excimer Laser SmartSurf ACE Technology - TransPRK - No touch
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no suction, no flap, no incision

high corneal stability

treatment in one step

Better vision immediately
following treatment

Short healing process with very fast regeneration of the epithelium 

Excellent clinical results
Find out more

easy to use, time-saving, low investment

Safe, gentle and precise

SmartSurfACE treatment takes place directly on the upper surface of the cornea. There are no cut or flap complications. This non-invasive method leaves a very stable cornea and thus provides more safety for the patient in the long run. Tear film production is scarcely affected, making SmartSurfACE ideal for patients with dry eye or contact lens intolerance. Furthermore, the SCHWIND AMARIS laser ablates the epithelium more precisely and evenly than do manual or alcohol-assisted methods.

  • Illustration of regular cornea 1

    Regular cornea before SmartSurfACE

  • Illustration of regular cornea 2

    Ablation of the refractive component

  • Illustration of regular cornea 3

    Ablation of the epithelial component

  • Illustration of regular cornea 4

    Regenerated cornea after SmartSurfACE

The “wow” effect

The SCHWIND SmartPulse technology used with SmartSurfACE results in a very smooth cornea. Patients experience a “wow” effect when they see how good their vision is immediately after the laser treatment. This has been documented in a study with over 1000 eyes.  

Fast and stress-free

The vision correction is performed with just a SCHWIND AMARIS laser in a single step. This keeps the treatment time short, minimising the risk of corneal dehydration.

The healing process and vision recovery with SmartSurfACE are significantly faster than with conventional surface treatments. The epithelium closes three to four days after SmartSurfACE treatment, with visual acuity already very good at that point. Vision is absolutely equivalent to LASIK after a short time. 


SmartSurfACE is suitable for all laser candidates wishing to see clearly. It is ideal for active and athletic people, and for professions where sharp vision is needed. SmartSurfACE is also a very good treatment option for patients with thin, pathological or irregular corneas. SmartSurfACE has a smoothing effect on the remaining corneal tissue, benefitting e.g. keratoconus patients.


SmartSurfACE is easy and time-saving to use. No femtosecond laser is required. 

Illustrative lense with brown eye on white background