Product PresbyMAX 09.2014

Excellent results with PresbyMAX Hybrid

SCHWIND publishes multi-centre study with 372 eyes

The first SCHWIND multi-centre study on PresbyMAX Hybrid documents excellent clinical outcomes. A total of 372 eyes in 186 myopic, hyperopic and emmetropic patients were analysed.

Vergleich präoperativ bestkorrigiert und postoperativ unkorrigiert für die Ferne (20/x)

Preoperative corrected versus postoperative uncorrected vision for distance (20/x)

Vergleich präoperativ bestkorrigiert und postoperativ unkorrigiert für die Nähe (logRAD)

Preoperative corrected versus postoperative uncorrected vision for near (logRAD)

The team which conducted the study comprised Pierre Baudu, MD, France, Detlef Holland, MD, Germany, and Michiel Luger, MD, the Netherlands. The average patient age was 53±6 (range 44 to 70 years of age). All the patients were observed for six months or longer postoperatively. The pre-operative defocus ranged from -8.37 to +5.50 D. Astigmatism was treated up to 3.75 D. The planned addition was up to 2.75 D. Six months after treatment, very good results for distance and near visual acuity were observed.

99% of the patients achieved a preoperative best corrected distance visual acuity of 20/20 or better, and six months post-operative uncorrected it was remarkable 79%. All the patients achieved a preoperative best corrected near visual acuity of 0.1 logRAD or better, and postoper­ative uncorrected the figure was 95%. Impressive 79% gained three or more Snellen lines in distance corrected near visual acuity. The combination of multifocality and negative defocus in the near eye provides excellent, spectacle-free reading capability in everyday situations. Furthermore, in comparison with the other PresbyMAX techniques, a higher level of subjective patient satisfaction was achieved, even in demanding patients. PresbyMAX Hybrid has become the most frequently used technique in the SCHWIND portfolio for the treatment of presbyopia.


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